Photograph by Michael Simmonds
My interest in filmmaking and photography developed from a desire to reveal the unseen; subjects too dark, too bright, too far away, or too obvious. Soon after picking up a 35mm camera I became interested in long-exposure night photography and astrophotography. Since then I have continued to create a diverse portfolio of work that constantly stretches my abilities as well as the technical capabilities of the technology I use. By encountering these limits I have found comfort in the divide between the mundane and the abstract.
My cinematography work spans this range from lyrical documentary, psychological thrillers, and experimental work. Each film is distinct but altogether are part of a greater effort for me to discover hidden facets of the world and our psyche. You can see and read more in the cinematography section of this website.
My photography is entirely analog and based in old processes dating from the 1850’s to 1950’s. The medium of the still image is where I grapple the most with muddling boundaries between the concrete and abstract. I am currently at work on a number of portfolios ranging from 35mm to 8x10 photography.
Pedagogical work has also played an immense part in my life and I continue to teach Science of Cinematography at NYU despite a busy schedule in the industry. I am forever learning about our relationship to the external world as mediated by photographic technology. My efforts with language to grapple with these concepts can be read in the Writings sections.
You can reach me at the following e-mail: