For those who know me there is some surprise in my writing a blog. In fact, some will consider this a retreat from my generally Luddite principles. So first allow me the time and space to justify my digital presence and illustrate the principles to which it will serve.
I receive increasing pressure from friends, colleagues, and students to post and write about the material explored in my “Science of Cinematography” class at NYU. This is due to the fact that I am given the resources and freedom to test film stocks, cameras and lenses. I have collected a wealth of data that has clarified a great deal for me and others. I regret to inform everyone I will not be posting the results here despite pressure otherwise. My reasoning is as follows:
First, the tests I have performed are designed to be seen in a medium of much higher quality than the internet can offer. Rather than offer compressed or poor samples I would rather explain the test procedure so that someone can gather their own material.
Second, blogs that contain ‘tests’ or ‘test results’ of photographic materials already exist in legion. I have not seen a single one that discusses the problems and process of conducting a good test. Furthermore, the process of asking questions about the nature of the materials used in visual arts brings up a number of interesting philosophical issues that are never fully explored.
Third, communication for me has always been a two way affair. I have participated in forums, but have found the terms of engagement too socially complicated. Also, the voice of many creates a cacophony. By posting these writings in a small niche of cyberspace I hope people discover them and feel free to contact me personally to share or criticize. I enjoy one on one communication with people of like or even un-like minds.
Finally, my class is contained to a finite term in which I am frequently unable to pursue ancillary topics. This site gives me the space to travel down some side roads that would otherwise be never explored. My hope is that these side journeys will enrich the landscape for students and outsiders alike.
I have and always will be interested in the exchange of ideas. These writings serve as the first step with which I hope to provide a singular exploration of the many facets of the photographic visual medium. I will probably pose a great deal more questions than answer, but this comes from a desire to avoid espousing dogma.
For those who still express surprise at my penning a blog you can see in the above image that I still work very much by hand.